Sunday, 21 July 2013

Maintaining Resilience and Keeping Fresh!

I've just spent the last 3 weeks facilitating residential leadership programs - this means being on the clock from approx. 7:30 am through to the end of a facilitated dinner at 9:30 pm!

One element of the program covers health and well-being. It's critical in leadership to manage your own well-being/resilience both from a performance maintenance perspective and also from a role modelling perspective for your own team. Tony and Mark from Health Made Simple have been to recent sessions to run this component and it has been a catalyst for me to stop and think about how I maintain my own resilience and keep fresh.

A couple of takeaways from the boys has been around increasing my water intake (perhaps swapping a coffee or a beer for a water would be a good start) and finding more opportunities to build physical activity into my day. Especially when facilitating for 12+ hours in day, it's very easy to fall into the lazy option on the couch than get out and be active.

Mentally though, I have taken stock again of my signature strengths to ensure that I am finding ways to incorporate the things that energize me into my day. You can take the VIA Character Survey and check out your signature strengths.

The key signature strengths I'll be looking to leverage more in my day to day include Zest and Humor! What this means is looking for the fun in what I'm doing and finding ways to get active in it. Pretty aligned to what I've taken away from the sessions with Health Made Simple... Funny that!